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MD9 Distribuidora de Inform�tica Ltda - Cia do Software fanciful name, is nowadays one of the biggest softwares distributors in Brazil. The company has a know-how for 35 years in the market having a considerable number of customers, is nowadays engaged distributing a variety of products with different national and international brands.
Since the beginning in 1991 our company has as a goal to offer our clients a variety of products with the best quality, competitive prices effectiveness to deliver and service quality and Pre and Pos Selling support.
One of our biggest worries is to attend our customers expectations. There are more than 3,000 active resales, with an excellent sales structure: by telemarketing, through our e-commerce with an exclusive resale channel, newsletters about launches, electronic trading and order system, beyond a specialized field attending.
These are some of the Manufactures we represent:
Some of our customers:
Since 1999 our company is engaged on Internet, with an e-commerce website (, Google Brazil Top1 when keyword is software and the site Virtual Horoscope Esoterism (, that is too Google Brazil Top1 with the keyword horoscopo.